
This section contains projects created made by Alexander Cote.


A collection of projects created by Alex, with the goal of completing a course, or simply making something interesting and useful.

1500W Battery Charger to Power Supply Modification

Modified a Delta-Q “QuiQ 1500W” battery charger to become a lab power supply. Identified locations in the control loop to override the feedback to allow for a controlled voltage and current output. Designed a circuit and implemented it using proto-board to avoid control loop saturation and initial overshoot.

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Alarm Clock and Audio Amplifier

Worked in a team of 3 to implement a music playing alarm clock using a shield on an STM32F4 microcontroller board. Features included displaying time on a 7 segment display, alarm buttons, snooze, ability to change time and volume control. Gained practice with schematic capture, circuit design and simulation (using resistors, diodes, transistors and Op-Amps), circuit prototyping on breadboards, PCB layout and routing, basic SolidWorks design for a case and writing software for a simple real time system.

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Light Controlled LED - PID Controller

Stepper Motor Controller PCB

Designed a circuit board to control the forward and reverse motion of a 6-wire stepper motor driver. Gained practice with schematic capture, PCB layout and routing using KiCad. First design used through hole components. The updated version uses surface mount devices to allow for a smaller board design.

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Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink