Alexander Cote

Victoria BC, Canada ·

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Electrical Engineering Student at the University of Victoria. I have a passion for electronics, circuit design, FPGAs, and embedded systems


Teamwork and Communication
  • Won the “Fall 2016 Engineering Associates Work Term Report Excellence Award”, sponsored by IEEE.
  • Fluent in reading, writing, and speaking English and French.
Circuit Design and Prototyping
  • Altium Designer
  • KiCad
  • LTSpice
  • Qucs
  • Xilinx ISE
  • Xilinx Vivado
  • Altera Quartus Prime
  • Experience with schematic capture, PCB layout, and footprint creation in both Altium and KiCad.
  • Experience designing logic circuits in Xilinx ISE with HDL. Simulating to verify the design’s correctness.
  • Practical experience with function generators, oscilloscopes, digital multi-meters, and AC and DC power sources, frequency analyzers, DC electronic loads, and environmental temperature chambers.
  • Experience prototyping circuits on breadboards, and simulating circuits using LTSpice and Qucs.
  • Ability to solder using through-hole and surface mount devices techniques, and modify/swap PCB traces.
Programming Languages & Tools
  • C
  • C++
  • Python
  • VBA
  • VBScript
  • git
  • Bitbucket
  • JIRA
  • Understanding of object-oriented programming and abstract data-structures.
  • Experience with software development for ARM-based embedded systems.
  • Experience with communication protocols like I2C and SPI.
Computer Knowledge
  • Experience with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), and creating macros using VBA.
  • Ability to diagnose computer problems, as well as build computers and recommend components.


A collection of projects created by Alex, with the goal of completing a course, or simply making something interesting and useful.

1500W Battery Charger to Power Supply Modification

Modified a Delta-Q “QuiQ 1500W” battery charger to become a lab power supply. Identified locations in the control loop to override the feedback to allow for a controlled voltage and current output. Designed a circuit and implemented it using proto-board to avoid control loop saturation and initial overshoot.

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Stepper Motor Controller PCB

Designed a circuit board to control the forward and reverse motion of a 6-wire stepper motor driver. Gained practice with schematic capture, PCB layout and routing using KiCad. First design used through hole components. The updated version uses surface mount devices to allow for a smaller board design.

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Wait! There's more..

See all Creations for more examples!

Work Experience

Electronics Engineering Co-op

Epson Microdevices Division
  • Aided in the testing and validation of three ASICs (implemented in an FPGA before production) using Python. Validated communication interfaces, host protocols, CRCs, external flash memory read/write.
  • Created a tool in Python to take a wide selection of input data types and output a binary file for flash.
  • Designed an algorithm for an FPGA(Verilog) to intercept a video stream and overlay a rotating line.
  • Designed demonstration board housings using FreeCAD and a CNC router, creating screw holes, text engravings, and push button access points in acrylic. Designed 3D models for 3D printing (speaker box).
May 2018 – December 2018

Power Electronics & Hardware Engineer Co-op

Delta-Q Technologies
  • Aided in the developmental design and validation of a 350W Lithium-Ion battery charger.
  • Performed frequency response analysis’ and designed an unconditionally stable feedback compensator.
  • Wrote design documentation, test instructions, test reports, and created red-line drawings.
  • Identified appropriate components from requirements as well as alternate and substitute sources.
  • Welded 50 thermocouples and installed them in key locations for a range wide of thermal tests.
  • Populated 10 large PCB’s with through hole components and swapped 100’s of 0603 surface mount devices, including small IC’s. Performed trace swapping and cutting modifications on the PCB’s.
  • Gained practical experience with EMC/EMI testing, Hipot tests, and regulatory testing and requirements.
  • Constructed test jigs, fixtures, and experiment setups with wood and metal using power tools.
January 2018 – April 2018

Business Analyst Co-op

Schneider Electric
  • Designed and implemented a UI, database structure, and logic using VBA and Microsoft Excel to allow case studies to be searched (by a segment and application matrix), and then shared by email.
  • Designed a new template for case studies in Word, and wrote 59 case studies on diverse events.
May 2017 – August 2017

Software Developer Co-op

  • Reduced 3D point cloud generation time from 45 minutes down to 7 minutes, and increased the quality through optimization of photogrammetry software, drone flight plans, and required sensor quality.
  • Designed and implemented the point cloud generation system and picture selection algorithm in C++.
  • Re-wrote VBA code used to download data, interpolate, perform calculations, and structure the output.
  • Translated the entire user interface into French.
September 2016 – December 2016


Bachelor of Engineering

University of Victoria
Major in Electrical Engineering , Specialization in: Electronics, and Embedded Systems.
Technical Electives:
  • Control Thoery and Systems II
  • Antennas and Propagation
  • Design of Digital and VLSI Systems
  • Nanotechnology
  • Real Time Computer Systems Design Project
  • Power Electronics
September 2014 - August 2019


Third Year Engineering Design Competition - First Place

University of Victoria
Award given to the team who had the best design. See the report about the award here.
Fall 2017

Fall 2016 Engineering Associates Work Term Report Excellence Award

IEEE Victoria Branch
Award given to the person who wrote the best co-op work term report in a semester, decided by UVic's falculty of engineering, and the IEEE Victoria Branch.
Fall 2016
Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink